My boy's getting older!
This is the last month birthday before I have to say I have a one year old and a two year old. (It sounds crazy when you put it that way! Only until March, when Lucy turns 3.)
Nothing different, except that he eats a lot MORE now. He still nurses in the morning, at lunch, after nap, and before bed, and once during the night. He eats a big container of baby food at each meal and sometimes yogurt, too. We've started to give him bits of whatever we're eating, too, and he seems to like that as long as it's something very mushy (banana, tofu, rice, quinoa, pasta, etc.) I know he'll get up to eating more textured foods and I hope it's sooner rather than later but I'm not going to push him. He definitely likes baby food fruits more than veggies, but I don't blame him, because have you tasted baby food peas lately? NASTY.
He has six teeth (that I know of) ... two on the bottom and four on the top. I have a feeling he's in the process right now of getting some, but I can't feel them yet so I don't know where they will pop through.
The same! I have been trying to be home in the mornings when he needs to take a nap because if he doesn't, then he takes one long midday nap but then is way too tired before bed. It's best when he can take his mid-late morning nap and then an afternoon nap ... best for him and better for Mommy! He still wakes up once a night, but honestly it is not something I am bothered by at all. Of course I will be ecstatic once he's really consistently sleeping through the night, but getting up once a night to feed him really quick and put him back to bed is fine with me.
Lucy didn't sleep through the night until she was over a year old, but I was pregnant with Ian and I was getting desperate for her to sleep through the night because I was pregnant and tired and envisioning a life with two kids that woke up at all hours of the night. Plus Lucy was not the type of baby that you just fed and put back in the bed. She had to be rocked fully back to sleep and then you had to carefully put her down and try to sneak away before she woke up. Plus she was still waking up multiple times a night (3-5 times). Ian has really been such a great sleeper -- I know to be thankful! I always put him in his bed fully awake and it is never a problem.
His primary mode of transportation is still crawling, but he definitely loves to stand and cruise at any opportunity. He can stand on his own for just a few seconds, but I have a feeling that probably by a year old or maybe a few months after he might get this walking thing down.
His favorite words right now are "Dada" and "Nana" which we thought referred to his Nana, but now I think we are certain it applies to our dog, Nina. :) (sorry, Mom!) He loves to point at Nina and say "Nana". He says "Mama" very clearly when he is upset, but otherwise it's "Dada" or "Nana". He always says, "Uh-oh" and in the right context. If he drops something or if Lucy drops something or knocks something over, he says "Uh-oh." I think it's adorable! He says lots of other babbling type stuff.
What can I say? I am in love with him! He is sweet, observant, funny, snuggly, busy, smart, and my buddy! He loves his sister, and he loves his Mommy, and he's now started to actively want to be held by his Daddy when he can. He still likes to be with me the most, but he's getting independent and wanting to get down and explore things when we go places. He is always surprising me with what he knows and what he's connected in his mind. When I see him, my heart melts! I look forward to celebrating his one year birthday in a month, and I literally still feel like it was yesterday that they pulled him up out of the water and put him on my chest and it was like my heart had burst with happiness and love. My perfect little boy.
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