Sunday, June 17, 2012

Seven months old!

My happy boy is seven months old!  Nothing especially out of the ordinary to report.  He's not crawling yet, and not even eating one smidge of baby food.  But he sleeps great and he's always in a good mood unless he's tired or hungry, so I couldn't be happier!!!  He is such a delight and I love having him as my son.  Lucy loves him so much and her favorite thing to do is go with me to get him up from his naps and in the morning.  She loves to talk to him and about him constantly.  I can't wait to see them grow up together.  He had a few firsts lately ...

He went swimming for the first time on Friday (June 15th) -- he wasn't that impressed at first but I think it was because it was during his nap time so he was tired!

He went to his first Braves game today (June 17th) -- again, he wasn't that impressed but it was during his nap time.  (See a trend?)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Sitting up!

So Ian has been sitting up for a while now, but he would still fall to the side if he rocked too far.  We noticed tonight that he can really officially sit up on his own ... he can balance himself and keep himself from falling over.  He still falls back if he gets too excited, but we're calling today the day that he can really sit up by himself.  Another milestone down...