Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ten months old!

I can't believe it, but he's ten months old!

He's still nursing ... when he wakes up, around lunchtime, late afternoon, and then again before bed, and then usually once during the night.  He also eats a little jar of baby food and maybe a half-carton of baby yogurt at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  He isn't a fan of very thick or textured food still, but we keep offering it and I know he'll get it eventually.

He takes two naps (if all goes as planned)... once around midmorning and then again around 2.  He goes to bed anytime between 7-8, and gets up around 7am, and he still wakes up once a night.

He crawls very fast, and can pull up on anything and he is just starting to cruise from one place to another, like the coffee table to the couch, etc.  He loves to be with Lucy and I wherever we are.  In fact, he can be happy as a clam one minute and if we leave the room to get something he will start crying.  He doesn't really put things in his mouth like Lucy did.  He just loves to play with whatever Lucy is playing with, too.  We have fun just sitting in their rooms, playing with their toys.  He loves Lucy and she makes him laugh!  I posted this video above so you can see what a typical interaction between them is like.  It's all fun until somebody gets hurt!!!

He says "mama" and "baba" and a string of other unintelligible sounds.  "Mama" is definitely the clearest thing he says.

He has very distinct personality traits.  He is a mama's boy!  As long as he's with me, he's happy.  He's starting to reach out and want to go to Wesley, though, even if I'm holding him.  He does NOT like being left with other people, unless it's like my mom here at our house or something.  He's either super happy and bubbly or being very shy and clingy.  You never know what you'll get, although the shy and clingy side tends to be more dominant if he's tired or hungry.

It's amazing that even at 10 months old he seems like such a baby still!  We started trying to have another baby when Lucy was 10 months old, and I can't even imagine doing that with Ian still being so young!!!  Crazy how the second child will do that to you.

We love him and I can't believe his first birthday will be here in only two months.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

More teeth

For a while, Ian just had the two bottom teeth.  Then we noticed that he was showing little nubs up top, too, and this week they broke through, along with another tooth up top to the right of these teeth, and I can tell the tooth to the left of these teeth is very close to breaking through also.  That means he would have six teeth soon!  I can't believe it.  Lucy didn't have that many teeth for a while, I think.  I say the sooner the better -- let's get it over with!  haha.