Friday, April 13, 2012

Five months old!

Today Ian is officially five months old!!! I'll give more of a "personality/favorites" type update when he turns six months old, I think. I will just mention here that he is definitely going places ... he can turn over from front to back and vice versa and he can scoot by pulling up his knees and pushing himself around. I would be interested to see if by six months old he is a lot closer to crawling! He's got to keep up with his sister!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Four months old!

He is such a happy baby! He had his four month old visit and he was 16 lbs, 6 oz. He's quickly catching up to his sister.

Here you can see his new skill by 4 months, which is turning over from his back to his stomach. He does this constantly and now even sleeps on his stomach.

Three months old!

Look at this cutie!!! He is growing up so quickly right before my eyes.